The Bat! 9.1.6


  • Added icons for the commands (menu items, toolbar buttons) that did not have icons
  • Added SHA-384 cipher suites for TLS: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 & TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
  • "/CRC32_CCITT_BENCHMARK" and "/CRC32_CASTAGNOLI_BENCHMARK" command-line parameters to calculate performance of CRC32 implementation used by The Bat!
  • New image for an account (mail box) in the folder tree


  • Enabled the following ciphers suite for TLS: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 cipher suite (it was disabled because it had largest AES key size, but DHE which is slower than ECDHE)


  • ECDHE TLS ciphers didn't work on TLS version 1.0 (but did work on TLS version 1.1 and later)
  • Added Shortcuts Customization (it was missing since version 9.0)
  • MailTicker font style was incorrectly saved
  • Added correct categories in menu customization
  • Fixed Favorites Menu (there was an issue since version 9.0)
  • A memory leak is fixed (the TGoogleAuthTask object was not released)
  • Fixed AV in customizing menus (64bit-only)
  • (#0000329) Link to folder missing from the "Information" tab
  • (#0001736) Message Dispatcher is not terminated
  • (#0001811) The Sorting Office option "Do not preserve header of the original messages" is always applied regardless of the settings
  • (#0001873) Can't change font styles of selected text
  • (#0001874) Editor: Menu-Item "Format" contains an unnecessary item divider (it was an issue since version 9.0)
  • (#0001896) "Esc" does not close the "Address Book", "View Message Source", "Print Preview" and "Enter Registration Key" windows
  • (#0001917) "Cannot remove shell notification icon" error popup during shutdown
  • (#0001923) After language change, a button was missing (it was an issue since version 9.0)
  • (#0001930) Clicking an URL in HTML message opens two browsers
  • (#0001936) Access Violation on "OK" in the Print Setup Dialog
  • (#0001937) The items in the main menu "Workspace -> Show Connection Centre" are not mutually exclusive (it was an issue since version 9.0)
  • (#0001941) Access Violation errors in print setup dialog and cancelling password dialog
  • (#0001953) Message tags are not displayed in the column "Tags"
  • (#0001957) Alternative Deletion shortcut (Shift+Delete key combination) did not work in v9.1
  • Fixed secondary shortcuts. For example, if a single command had two shortcuts (primary and secondary), only primary worked. This affected the following shortcuts: Move to Next Unread (Ctrl+Right,Ctrl+Alt+Right) & Move Previos Unread (Ctrl+Left,Ctrl+Alt+Left)
  • Fixed "invalid class typecast" error when using RC4 (stream) cipher in TLS (introduced in v9.1)
  • (#0001811) If the option "Do not preserve header of the original messages" is turned off for the "Create formatted message" action in the Sorting Office, then the RFC-822 headers of original message are added as an attachment (with Content-type "text/rfc822-headers", as described in RFC-1892) to the newly created message

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