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Migrating to new computer, What is the procedure?
What are the steps for moving TheBat! to a new laptop?
For my last laptop migration I cloned the whole drive using CloneZilla, worked like a charm. Kept the whole Windows installation with all programs and data, only needed to install some drivers for the new machine.

What I did on previous occasions was to back up the whole TB data folder (which I do regularly anyway), install TB on the new machine, run it, and for each account do Account -> New... -> Restore from..., and select the appropriate folders. This should also work with TB's backup archives created with Tools -> Backup...
>> This should also work with TB's backup archives created with Tools -> Backup...
I do prefer this native method
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
If I remember correctly, I simply copied the contents of my old Mail folder  (as defined in Options | Preferences | General) to the Mail folder on the new PC.  Then I launched The Bat and all my accounts and folders were there. Could it be so simple?
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
What's wrong with using the built-in Backup/Restore tool in TB?
Frederick Smith wrote:
What's wrong with using the built-in Backup/Restore tool in TB?
That has never worked for me since I started using TB in 2015.

EDIT: However, I just tried it again and it seems like the backup went well.  Now to see how the restore goes.
That's Murphy's Law for ya....

EDIT #2: Annnnnd it worked! I'm genuinely shocked. It's the first time it ever worked for me.

Thanks for all the other suggestions. Good to have options. :)
Edited: cbiweb - 20 April 2024 00:45:01
For me it is the reason I sticked with the Bat because of the easy back-up and restore option when migrating an os.
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