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logic of inbound and manual filters - making sure a filter is only used in downloads
I have one catch-all filter to go to an oddly named box "Inbox-Pseudo"
and I have unchecked:

"Use this filter for manual re-filtering only"

In fact, I am not doing any manual re-filtering with a check-box.
I thought this would prevent that filter from ever functioning manually.
I thought that filters were EITHER Inbound or Manuel.

My main problem is: I want this to be an INBOUND-ONLY Filter, and it has not worked that way.  Somehow it went from 50 emails back up to 2000.  Now, I am concerned about cleaning it out again.


Some thoughts how this may have happened?


Maybe the ISP sent old mail down that I had received.  However, the RECEIVED dates are generally much older than the last week, plus I have mail I viewed earlier and I do not think this involves duplicates.


There is the "re-filter" command when you right click a box, which I especially try with virtual filters when they are not showing the emails that should be there ..e.g. sometimes after a reboot.   (There is also a refresh command that has never done anything, and I do not understand.)

So a large number of emails went back into my catch-all folder. And really, I have no explanation.


Any thing to check or change appreciated?  

This took me by surprise, and I do not want to clean out a mailbox and then find out the mail comes back, without knowing why.

Edited: Steven Avery - 06 September 2018 02:17:43
You might get helpful feedback if you provide more information, such as full screen prints of the filter and each tab in it. And specify whether you are using POP or IMAP. Filters are generally applied to a folder, such as inbox, but your wording sends a message otherwise.

When deleted or moved messages return to the local inbox unexpectedly, it's usually an IMAP problem. Maybe the filter tries to move messages to a folder that does not exist on the server?
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.

Does this take attachments, or should I simply put pics on or my own blog/forum?

This is all POP,
And this is the only filter that has the box name.

The filter runs on all the mail ( If A OR not A)
The filter is active.
Processing continues (now it is the last filter)

And I thought only NEW MAIL could go in there because:

Use this filter for manual re-filtering only is UNCHECKED.

And  I will do a more limited test, a watchful Round Two.

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