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color groups - virtual folder only takes two, any more revert back to <Generic Group>
The Bat! 7.4.2
Windows 10

Virtual Mailbox --> Properties --> Advanced Filter Settings

When I try to put more than two color groups into the selections for a virtual folder (I have about 8 overall) two stay, plus the third, fourth, etc. revert to <generic group.>  There are only two other selection criteria, so it is not some type of overload fatigue.

Would others be able to see if they have this glitch. On 7 or 8?


I do and I am running the latest version. I think that I am able to set approx 4 out or 5.  As you say irritating rather than damaging.

With the previous version the virtual folders would not clear messages when you switched the colour to Generic and were in the virtual folder (it used to but not any more) but if I am in the destination folder and switched the colour to Generic it is instantly cleared for the virtual folder.

There are as you say a few irritating quirky things that happen for no apparent reason in many of the versions and like all software some are improvements and some are not.

Like you I have more than one email as from a productivity aspect the Outlook approach of all in one with drag and drop is extremely useful and quick both for setting things up and tracking. Sadly I am finding Outlook 2016 not to be completely reliable, crashes happen for no obvious reason (possibly due to the ludicrous file size limitation set by Microsoft).

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