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New Tab it does not work, trying to create the Tab: Message List it does not work
Hello I am trying to create the Tab:  Message List --> Tabs  I've tried Create New Tab and Configure then Add When I am done and hit "OK" .. nothing happens, it does not show up on the Tabs.
I've tried to do it with the quick search but it doesn't notice
I have contacted the technical support and I have not received an answer

Edited: luis duarte - 15 October 2019 18:02:44
Is Workspace | Message List Tabs | Show  Message List Tabs on, and do you see the default tabs: "All", "Flagged" and "Unread"?

When you take these steps.....:

Right-click to the right of the "Unread" tab
In the context menu that appears, select 'Create a New Tab'
Press OK you see a new tab named "Tab 1"?  And when you exit the program and re-launch it, is this new tab still there?

(you can remove the new tab simply by closing it)
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
thanks Daniel finally contacted me from technical support and renaming the CONFIG.CDB file fixed the problem
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