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Adding Address to Address Book, Address Book or Group?
The "Add addresses from" action in sorting office only allows adding addresses to groups, not to an address book.
I tried to send a capture of the "Add adresses to Address Book" pane which only shows groups, when I have several address books.
How can I use this action (or another one) to add specific adresses to another address book?
Edited: Nathalie Marlier - 26 February 2023 13:03:23
The address can be added not only to the address group, but also to "pure" address book. It is sufficient not to select address group in the filter, and the filtered address will be added to the address book associated with given account (or default book if the associated is not present).

Unfortunately, it is not possible to select address book used in adding operation. It may be done only by associating different address books with different accounts, but it is very limited action.
 It seems like you are facing an issue with the "Add addresses from" action in the sorting office, where you're unable to add addresses directly to an address book and it only allows adding addresses to groups.
If the number of addresses you want to add is relatively small, you can manually enter them into the desired address book. Open the address book and look for an option to add a new address manually. This way, you can directly input the specific addresses without relying on the "Add spacebar clicker addresses from" action.
[Off Topic]

I usually delete messages like the one by 'Randy Stuart' above, after banning the 'user', but I'll leave this one up for educational and entertainment purposes. I've banned 'Randy', though.

On first sight, the message provides an honest (but 9 months late) answer to the question in the opening post. But on closer inspection, the answer makes no sense at all because it 1) provides a manual solution when an automated solution was sought; 2) it is ridiculously obvious and 3) the phrase "Add spacebar clicker addresses from" is just pseudo-random gibberish.

What we're seeing here is a message generated by artificial intelligence, and indeed, the IP that it was posted from is associated with a company, Datacamp Ltd, that is active in the field of A.I. --  apparently they are testing, if not employing, their AI robots in the wild.

I'm not sure why they feel at liberty to waste everyone's time here (as well as Ritlabs' resources), but I think the main question that these activities raise is how many of these robots are active in social media, influencing public opinion on behest of whoever is paying for them. Hopefully companies like Facebook, X and others will take measures to ensure that robot profiles will be easily identifiable and cannot be used for political purposes.

[/Off Topic]
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Thanks for the clarification, Daniel. I was about to ask "Randy" whether it's him or his ChatGPT :D

I guess they sometimes wander in here by mistake, but it's still a stark premonition of what our Internet future will probably look like.
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