Pages: 1
[BUG] Filter action: sends wrong character instead of quotes
1. Set an action for filter - to execute external application and to send some text as parameter to command line of this app.
2. If filter fires and text contains quotes, Bat sends newline character instead of quotes.

Action settings
Subject of test email
Your adv "PC 123" was published

Result after filter fires

Bat v.
Edited: User - - 06 September 2023 17:30:44
Thanks, but this is a user-to-user forum and we are unable to solve bugs. Please report them directly to the developers using the 'Support'-menu at the top of the page.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
User - wrote:
1. Set an action for filter - to execute external application and to send some text as parameter to command line of this app.
2. If filter fires and text contains quotes, Bat sends newline character instead of quotes.
I think this is not a bug in The Bat!, but this is normal operation of Windows. It may be verified by running your application manually with a given command line parameter.
Maybe a longshot, but you could try replacing quotation marks with escaped versions, i.e. add a backslash before each quotation mark: \"
Pages: 1