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"Today" filter - but not last 24h just today since midnight (00:00)

I thought it should be simple but I can't create such filter - either result is empty or I have all mails received last 24 hours - so rule age<1 days and time 00:00-23:59 shows last 24h not only todays mails.
Or maybe its not possible?
Edited: Wojtek P - 29 December 2023 12:25:28
"Today" criterion is only available in filters used to selectively display messages in virtual folders and view modes. There is a "Time interval" condition which may concern the creation or reception of a message and have the argument "Today", "Yesterday", "This week", "This month", "This year".
Zygmunt Wereszczyński wrote:
"Today" criterion is only available in filters used to selectively display messages in virtual folders and view modes. There is a "Time interval" condition which may concern the creation or reception of a message and have the argument "Today", "Yesterday", "This week", "This month", "This year".
And if you want to make a message list tab for "Today", instead of creating a filter for the tab, first create a view mode "Today" and set the tab to apply that view mode.
Thanks! A bit strange for me but it should work :)
Pages: 1