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GMT from %DATE
How i get GMT from actual local time (not form header of sender)?

Exist any param for %DATE(" *param* ", "EN")%-

I want GMT as macro from my actual time/timezone (from the OS or Server, it does not matter).
Edited: True Friend - 08 February 2019 21:13:49
Unfortunately I don't think there's a command for that..

Maybe you can find (or make) a small utility that copies the current UTC time (same as GMT*) to a text file or to the clipboard. Then you can use the 'Execute' action in a filter to run that utility, and use the %PUT or %CLIPBOARD macro command to copy the time from there into your message text.

*: GMT and UTC use the same current time in practice. Note that the United Kingdom is not on GMT all year -- it uses British Summer Time (BST), which is one hour ahead of GMT, during the summer months.
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