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email format - HTML in templates not holding onto format, trying to get template-set email format (HTML vs. Plain Text) to hold on in the new email compose
Hi all - just trying out Bat, I like it but already see a quirk. When I set Format to 'HTML' in a new template I make, it apparently keeps it, but when I then go to compose new email with that template, the format defaults to 'Plain' and I have to still choose HTML manually. This is tedious and is not something you have to do in Thunderbird, for example. How do you get the format to stick when composing from a template?

Also I'm trying to paste graphics here to show, but they are showing blank frames. Any trick to that? I'm going to leave them pasted in here in the chance you can see them.  Thanks!

[IMG WIDTH=762 HEIGHT=248]file:///C:/Users/laten/AppData/Local/Temp/qfivgih1.w24.png[/IMG]

[IMG WIDTH=810 HEIGHT=388]file:///C:/Users/laten/AppData/Local/Temp/y0pal44n.hrz.png[/IMG]
I know little about the HTML side of things, but I suspect that you have a text-only editor set up under Options | Preferences | Viewer/Editor | Default Editor.

You cannot use images in this forum. The closest thing to it is to use an external image host and then post a link to your image file in your message. People will have to click on it to see the image.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Try adding a seteditor macro to your templates
1+2 are text editors, 3 is HTML plus plain text and 4 is HTML only
There is also a heirarchy of which you should be aware
Account tempates are overridded by folder templates which are overridden by address goup templates which are over ridden but individual people in your address book

What does this mean for you? If you set an account template to HTML but have an address book entry that wants plain text, then you will end up with plain text. File this tidbit and use it for potential troubleshooting

@Daniel ... Please correct me on this  
I think that's correct, but the HTML side of The Bat is going through a major overhaul as we speak. So, what is true today, may not be true anymore tomorrow.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
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