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Keyboard shortcuts stopped working
Do you guys use keyboard shortcuts when composing messages?
I upgraded recently to 9.51 and noticed that suddenly I can't use the Keyboard shortcuts I have been using 10-15 years.

I use the plain text editor, and when you use shortcuts like CTRL+B, or CTRL+U

You can assign these "Editor Shortcuts" in Quick Templates.

When I compose a message and want to use the shortcut for a Quick template, I get this error

Can anyone reproduce this?

it's just driving me nuts, that they messed up the plain text editor .
Edited: Ivan - 19 May 2022 21:22:29
Ivan wrote:
I upgraded recently to 9.51 and noticed that suddenly I can't use the Keyboard shortcuts I have been using 10-15 years.

Could it be that v9.51 is using the key combinations that you happened to have chosen, for different purposes? Have you tried to assign different shortcuts to your quick templates?
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Daniel van Rooijen wrote:

Could it be that v9.51 is using the key combinations that you happened to have chosen, for different purposes? Have you tried to assign different shortcuts to your quick templates?

Thank you Daniel, Yes that seems to be the case, but the whole purpose of the Editor Shortcut field is to assign your own shortcut.
Assign a different shortcut? Pain in the ... or palm? There are not many available CTRL+ combinations, a lot of them are taken by the operating system and how much can you reach with your fingers comfortably.

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