Pages: 1
%IF: all possible analogues of quotes in nested marcos
%IF : "%TIME" < "12:00" :
%IF : '%TIME' > '17:00':
We see that in the nested %IF, the quotes (") are changed to the apostrophes (').
Can you share a complete list of symbols that I can use in nested macros?

How do I escape (use it literally) quotation marks or apostrophes in the text of the letter in the example above?

I appreciate a detailed answer.

Thank you.
Does this help?


Macro parameters should be enclosed in double or single quotation marks. If these symbols are already present in the text of the parameters, they should be doubled. For example, the parameter of the %MACRO='Text "in double" quotes' macro is the line Text "in double" quotes.

I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
By trial and error, I managed to reveal the following characters:
' (single quote)
" (double)
& (ampersand)
() round brackets
# (hash).

I suspect the list aboму is not complete at all.

However, Ritlabs support has officially informed me that they lost contact with a programmer (software developer) responsible (in charge) for this functionality and thus cannot support this.
Do you have an idea of who he or she is?
Edited: AKazak - 10 March 2023 17:51:58
Pages: 1