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Auto Book: Automatically extract purchase order information from emails
I'm the developer of this small tool so let me apologize right away for (ab-) using this forum. I thought maybe it's permissible since Auto Book is specifically designed for use with The Bat - in fact, it was The Bat that gave me idea to develop this tool in the first place.

Via the "Exectute" filter action in The Bat and Macros (such as %Text), Auto Book can receive email data from The Bat when a hotkey is triggered and then automatically extract the needed information and store them in simple tab-separated text files.

The typical use case is capturing purchase order information from emails: Instead of manually copying and pasting the needed data (such as client, date, PO number, amount, etc.) into a bookkeeping system, Auto Book extracts and stores these data automatically when the user presses a hotkey. It is also possible to automatically create and open project folders based on the information that was captured (e.g. clientname\date.PO-number etc.). This way, when receiving a project from a regular client, the user can start work immediately without losing time for overhead tasks. There is also a convenient data viewer included with useful functions such as summation.

Please have a look at the website:
There's a section in the manual with step by step guidance on how to set up The Bat:

Auto Book is lightweight and doesn't require installation - it can be run directly from the EXE.

Feedback is very much appreciated and I will answer questions asked in the Auto Book forum myself.
Thanks Ulrich, that's literally an interesting development for The Bat users, so I'll allow it. Good luck with this project!
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
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