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%CC="Name1, Title <>, Name2, Title <>", Addressing using commas
Using Templates, I wish to %CC two recipients using a comma between their name and title.

%CC="Name1, Title <>, Name2, Title <>"

The commas, of course interrupt my plans.

Does anyone have an alternative to achieve this?
Have you tried:  %CC="Name1, Title <>", "Name2, Title <>"

I'm not sure if it will work, but it seems worth a try.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Does not work, the comma between them terminates the code on the rights side of it but thanks.
Please try to use following:

%CC='"Name1, Title" <>, "Name2, Title" <>'

It works for me.
Edited: Zygmunt Wereszczyński - 01 April 2023 12:18:39
Zygmunt Wereszczyński's code from 01 April 2023 as above this post works to place the two names in the CC field. Thank you.
Pages: 1