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z0mbies Macros not working anymore in v10
z0mbies Macros are very old, made in 2004, it appears they don't work anymore, I don't know why.
I tried with theBat v10.4.0.1 32bit and 64bit

I was mainly interested in the SKIPLINE function. Any idea how to implement that ?
SKIPLINE inputs a text, a string, and outputs the text after removing all lines containing the passed string.
From z0mbie's help file :

%SKIPLINE(text,regular_expression) - removes lines containing regular_expression from text
example: %SKIPLINE(%QUOTES,">>|wrote:") - will insert quoted text without lines that contain double quotation or "wrote:"
Thx !
I don't understand your question. What are 'zOmbies macros' and why do you expect them to work in The Bat?

The Bat has a macro language of its own. It is documented here:  It does not have a command named Skipline.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Thx for your answer.
Here is the link for zOmbies macros (there is a z.tbp file in it , it is installed as a plugin, hence the confusion)
I've been using it for more than 10 years with TheBat.

I'm using SKIPLINE in my Reply template to remove all lines containing the string "abcvoid" (I'm using this technique to inject data in my contact form that has to be removed from the reply)


Best regards,
On %ODate  %OTimeLong, you wrote:


Do you have an idea to make it work ?
Thanks for the clarification. I don't know why the plugin no longer works, maybe you can ask the developers? (or the author of the plugin). You can use the Support menu at the top of the page to contact them (here in the forum we're all just users).

My own macro skills are limited, particularly when regular expressions are involved, but I suspect that the %Replace or the %ReplaceRegExp macro may be able to accomplish what you want. They are documented in the online Help at
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Thank you very much. I'll take a look at the macros
Laurent Pellenc wrote:
%SKIPLINE (%QUOTES,"abcvoid")

Do you have an idea to make it work ?
Unfortunately, some plugins do not work in newer versions of The Bat!. However, your problem can be solved by internal macros without using additional macro plugins.

Instead of the line with %SKIPLINE macro try to use following:
Thank you very much Zygmunt. I tried and it didn't work but I'm starting to think the problem is elsewhere because the Replace functions have aboslutely no effect, apart from writing the %Quotes contents
=> outputs the contents of %Quotes unchanged ("a" is not replaced by "w")

=> outputs the contents of %Quotes unchanged ("a" is not replaced by "w")

=> outputs nothing , as expected since Replacedummy does not exist

So the Replace functions are somewhat recognized since they output something, but they don't do their job.
Any ideas ?
Edited: Laurent P - 16 September 2023 23:44:17
Very strange! I have tried all variants of %ReplaceRegExp and %Replace macros and they work correctly. Did you exactly copy the macro I provided in the previous post?
Zygmunt Wereszczyński wrote:
Very strange! I have tried all variants of %ReplaceRegExp and %Replace macros and they work correctly. Did you exactly copy the macro I provided in the previous post?
Yes I did.
Also, now I know it's not about the z0mbies macros z.tbp not working, because  I tried with a dummy SKIPLINE2 and the contents of %quotes were not inserted. At least SKIPLINE outputs the contents of %quotes so most likely the z0mbies  macros are recognized, but not executed, just as %Replace
I do not know why you have such problems. Please, let me know what is the version of The Bat! you use.
I'm using v10.4.0.1 , tried 32-bit & 64-bit. I was on v10.2.1 before and the problem was there also.
Thanks for your help
When I tried to install "z0mbies" plugin, The Bat! displays error messages and the plugin cannot be installed. I wondered if these macros were recognized in your installation. You can check the presence of "z0mbies" plugin in "Preferences".

Maybe the complete de-installation of The Bat!, including removing the RIT keys from Windows registry, and then the fresh installation will help. Of course, you should remain intact the mail folder when de-install the program (and make backup copy as well).
Zygmunt Wereszczyński wrote:
Maybe the complete de-installation of The Bat!, including removing the RIT keys from Windows registry, and then the fresh installation will help. Of course, you should remain intact the mail folder when de-install the program (and make backup copy as well).
To "forget" registry settings Laurent could try running TB with the command-line option /reg:newprofile (instead of "newprofile" any name can be used). The option can be added to the shortcut properties after "C:\Program Files\The Bat!\TheBat64.exe" (or whatever) in the Target field. It's like reinstalling TB without actually reinstalling. (EDIT: Or rather, it's like having parallel differently configured installations.)
Edited: Miloš Radovanović - 21 September 2023 12:44:26
Thank you very much for the suggestions.
Yes I could try to reinstall but it would be too much of a hassle for the result.
I tried the /reg command line but it is asking for the initial settings, which is normal, but I don't want to risk to mess it up.
Thanks again for your help !
Zygmunt Wereszczyński wrote:
When I tried to install "z0mbies" plugin, The Bat! displays error messages and the plugin cannot be installed. I wondered if these macros were recognized in your installation. You can check the presence of "z0mbies" plugin in "Preferences".
Very strange. I could install , uninstall and reinstall without any problem
Edited: Laurent P - 23 September 2023 01:27:00
I tested thoroughly the "z0mbie" plugin and here are following conclusios:

 * "z0mbies" plugin can be succesfully installed only in 32-bit version of The Bat!. 64-bit version does not allow to install "z0mbies" plugin.

 * When installed (in 32-bit The Bat!), all macros from the plugin work correctly in my The Bat! for pure text messages.

 * %Replace and %ReplaceRegExp macros work correctly only in pure text messages. HTML format causes these macros stop working.

HTML restriction is normal, because such format adds more formatting text to original content.
Edited: Zygmunt Wereszczyński - 24 September 2023 15:00:29
Very interesting findings. I already knew about the 32bit thing. Now I will check if the devs have changed something recently in the contact form that generates the emails.

BTW, if you ask me, there should be no restriction for HTML messages. We are able to know what we are doing when we use macros...

Thanks again !
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