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%ToFname macro not working, %ToFname macro stopped working after recent update
Good morning,
Recently after updating The Bat! from the Halloween edition to the current v10.5.3 64 bit version, the macro %ToFname has stopped inserting the name of the person from the recepiuent field of a new email message.  I went as far as removing the macro items.from the new mail template,saving, exiting & restarting but cannot get this to begin inserting the recpeient's first name into a new email message.  The macros in a reply message appear to be working ok.
Please report this to the developers using the Support menu above. This is a user-to-user forum and we can't solve bugs, which this seems to be.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Jon Albright wrote:
[...]macro %ToFname has stopped inserting the name of the person from the recepiuent field of a new email message.
Cannot confirm this observation. This macro works normally for me. Please first insert the recipient and then write message text. Starting from the message body and then inserting the recipient causes the macro inactive.
Zygmunt Wereszczyński wrote:
Please first insert the recipient and then write message text. Starting from the message body and then inserting the recipient causes the macro inactive.

I can confirm that the macro works exactly like Zygmunt described in v10.5.3.2.
Pages: 1