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Mass Email to X List with Specifically Matched CC Individuals
How to create template for "President, College A" is the TO field, the matching "Vice President, College A" is the CC field

If I missed this in the Support section, apologies, please drop the URL here.

Thank you.

(Question moved from subject description to message body - Daniel)
I can think of a simple way using the Address Book: in the Address Book entry for the president, add the address of the appropriate vice president as a secondary address (the first address in the "E-Mail address(es)" field is the primary one, all those below are treated as secondary), and under "Automatically add secondary addresses to the following field:" select "CC".

I'm writing this with the Old Address Book interface in mind, I don't see the "Automatically add secondary addresses to the following field:" option in the new interface.
Edited: Miloš Radovanović - 08 January 2024 16:49:13
Thank you. In my heart, I was hoping for a more automated solution.

Thanks for your contributions here.
batshades wrote:
Thank you. In my heart, I was hoping for a more automated solution.

No problem, happy to help. What do you mean by a more automated solution? Can you describe exactly what you want to (be able to) do?
I was hoping there was an address book field in which I could put data of some kind unique to that record.. Then, using a group or another address book, I could put that same data into individual record #2. That way, when asked for the %CC, the program would seek that 2nd unique piece of data and enter that data into the CC field.

In short, two individual records with a marriage-ring field.

Something like that.
batshades wrote:
I was hoping there was an address book field in which I could put data of some kind unique to that record.. Then, using a group or another address book, I could put that same data into individual record #2. That way, when asked for the %CC, the program would seek that 2nd unique piece of data and enter that data into the CC field.

That may be possible with some macro magic, but it's currently beyond my capabilities.

If you want the inclusion of vice presidents in CC to be optional, you could create two groups of presidents: one without the vice president addresses when you want to write just to the presidents, and one as I described with vice president addresses as secondary addresses.
Each entry in Address Boook has field named Memo. This field can be used as the storage for CC address. The mass mail template should then use simple macro to put the CC address from AB Memo field into the CC message field. It may be done by the following macros inserted in the template:

Apologies if a slight offtopic, but how do you have mass mail in new thebat? I just upgraded to v11, and do not see any options like that in address book! But from your discussion it seems the option is still out there somewhere.

Thanks a lot!  
Используйте старый вид адресной книги. В новом виде адресной книги, чтобы появились эти фичи - надо выделить адреса, на которые надо слать, что менее удобно.

Use it old address book view.
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
Anna Malanushenko wrote:
Apologies if a slight offtopic, but how do you have mass mail in new thebat?
You can use old AB interface which I prefer. See menu Preferences > Other options > Use old Address Book interface.

In the new interface open the address book, then select persons (or address group using Ctrl+A) to whom mass mail will be sent, and click green button "Actions" on the AB panel. There is "Mass Mail" item visible, but infortunately, it does not work!

See also
Zygmunt Wereszczyński wrote:
There is "Mass Mail" item visible, but infortunately, it does not work!

Has this been reported to Ritlabs? If so, it's strange that they haven't fixed it yet - maybe you could remind them pls?
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
I have added the bugnote, see:
@Zygmunt Wereszczyński

Thank you. I have added an email addr to the Memo field in the old Address book as you describe.

The address is simply in the Memo field as "First Name Last Name, Job Title, Company" <>

Your code is in my template but the output does not pick up the CC name.

Is there additional code I need to enter?

Thank you.
I checked my macro with different templates, together with address book Memo entry used for CC and everything works correctly. You should remember that The Bat! has the template hierarchy and sometimes it appears the wrong template is used. Please check what template you use (first is the address book template for given item, then adress group template, then folder template, and account template on the end).

P.S. Sorry, I did not see that you use the template for mass mailing. In my case it works as well.
Edited: Zygmunt Wereszczyński - 03 April 2024 14:38:10
Pages: 1