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I would like to use %INCLUDE
The references is here:

My early attempts to use it are unsuccessful. If anyone has used this, I could use some tips to make it work properly.
I checked %Include macro and it works correctly for me. My template called from this macro for testing was very simple:
Best regards
I have used this in reply template in the form: %Include="full_path_to_template_file"
Can you detail the steps?

I saved a template with %To, etc and %include="D:\email\Templates\template.txt"

But when I call the template into an email, this is the result.

(Encoded image data removed - this forum does not support images. if you
want to share one, host it elsewhere and provide a download link - Daniel)

I have a blank email open. I enter %include="path". [for me it is a thumb drive]

I don't know if that image will show; I never had to post an image here before:

[[ This is the  < The system cannot find the file specified (C:\Program Files\The Bat!\file path) > notepad ]]

Perhaps it is defaulted to look in the \Program Files\ ?
What do you want to achieve with %Include?
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
I want to be able to change the contents of the named file without changing the template.
I do not understand what file you want change. You wrote:

I have a blank email open. I enter %include="path".

Does it mean you try to call the macro directly from the open message? This is not possible, the only method to call the template is using macro %QT(template_name) within another template, or writing template name in the message editor followed immediately by <Ctrl><Space> combination.
batshades wrote:
I want to be able to change the contents of the named file without changing the template.

What's unclear to me is if that external file is another template or just a text file that you want to include. If it's the latter, you could use the %Put macro instead.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Pages: 1