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Arithmetic Functions
Does TB have it's own macro code or will it recognize macros form from say MS Word/Excel, VB etc. I am trying to place macros that can be used for arithmetic functions in message templates (ie + - / *). Are there macros capapble of handling higher level functions like arrays?


Does TB have it's own macro code
From TB's help file:
CALCULATE="expression" or CALC="expression" Calculate mathematical expression. Possible operators are: +,-,*,/,\ (remainder of integer division), ** (power), & (AND), |(OR), ^(XOR),~(NOT), && (logical AND), ||( logical OR), ^^( logical XOR), ! (logical NOT), <, >, ==, <=, >=, ? (ternary operator - (exp0)?(exp1):(exp2) calculates as exp1 if exp0 is not zero and exp2 otherwise). This macro is especially useful in conjunction with Regular Expression macros - i.e. when it is needed to calculate something based on original message data. Note that the numbers must be in a strict form without national thousands separators and the decimal point is "." (a dot)
or will it recognize macros form from say MS Word/Excel, VB etc.
Are there macros capapble of handling higher level functions like arrays?
I think arrays are a bit too complicated for the %Calc macro
I'm just a user of The Bat! I don't work for Ritlabs.
I read the help and just plain missed it... Time for new bifocals.... :oops:

Thank you for the quick reply...
Most cool! I wrote a quick template to calculate my BayesIt 24 hour info (#spam, #ham, ttl e-mail#, spam/ham classification rates etc). I then used SmartBat to shoot this quick template as an e-mail to myself once every day. Works perfect! I'm liking TB more every day... :D  
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