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Address book problem stops The Bat! from running, When I start TB, I get an error message about ADDRBOOK.INI followed by an Access violation
I am running 32-bat TB v9.5.1.

Yesterday when I opened TB and went to create an email, I found that all but one of my address book entries had disappeared. After a bit of trial and error, I realised that I had to upload all the individual .ABD files into the address book to get access to all my contacts.

Today when I tried to start up TB, I got the following error message:
  Cannot open file "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Bat!\ADDRBOOK.INI" Access is denied

When I clicked the OK button I got this second error message:
  Access violation at address 008A08F7 in module 'thebat32.exe'. Read of address 00000008

When I clicked the OK button on this second message the TB screen disappeared, but the Task Manager shows an instance of TB running in the background. If I try to open TB again I go through the same process and a second instance of TB appears in the Task Manager.

I have tried:
  * uninstalling and reinstalling TB v9.5.1 (32-bit),
  * uninstalling TB v9.5.1 (32-bit) then installing TB v10.3.3 (32-bit) and also
  * installing TB v10.3.3 (64-bat).
Each of these attempts gets the same result.

I have also tried restoring a recent backed-up version from a few days ago, and still get the same result.

Can anyone suggest a way to get TB working properly again?

I have years of emails stored in TB and don't want to lose these!!!
This is a task for the support. Ask them!

For all future readers of this thread: TB! backup isn't so great (but it better than nothing!). Buy it and use it program like Acronis CyberBackup and do incremental backup's!
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
>> I have also tried restoring a recent backed-up version from a few days ago
Do new parallel installation and restore to it.

Here you go - (use it some translate service if you not understand Russian)
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
Apologies for not being clear - the backup that I restored was an Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office backup and I re-installed the TB software (which I have on my C-drive) and the TB data (which I have on my D-drive) over the existing versions.
Is it only folder of TB! data was restored? Are you have it installation folder of TB! in this backup?

>>  Access is denied
Are your user account have admin rights?
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
Hi George,

I followed the Russian link you gave me and tried both of the methods (thanks to Google translate). It got me a lot closer to getting TB running again, but it was still not working properly.

I also, as you suggested, asked Ritlabs for support and the support person gave me directions very similar to your Method #1 with just 2 slight differences.

Support gave me these instructions:
"To solve the problem with ADDRBOOK.INI file, please repeat the following steps:

1. Make a copy of your address book files.
2. Close The Bat!
3. Open the Registry Editor via "Start -> Run -> regedit -> OK"  and under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\...\ rename the "RIT" key into  "RIT_1".
4. Delete the ADDRBOOK.INI file in the root of the mail data folder.
5. Start The Bat!, select the option "User-defined directory" and paste  the path to your mail data folder. The Bat! will recognize your  accounts.
6. Add the address books via "File\Open address book" in the separate window of the address book."

When I used the instructions including step 4 (deleting ADDRBOOK.INI in the root of the mail data folder) and step 5 (using the path to my existing mail data folder) TB started up with all my existing accounts.

So thank you for your help in getting me started. I had been getting increasingly worried about losing all my emails, but now TB is working and I am calm and relaxed!
I am glad for you! And thanks for the trick!
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
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