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The Bat! - Configuring the E-mail Client
Posts Views Last Post
How to setup TheBat so schedular backs up to different files - NOT OVERWRITE · author: David Sigafoos
10 6481
2 133
13 269
Daniel van Rooijen
9 160
Daniel van Rooijen
author: duralux duralux
7 130
duralux duralux
Set all fonts larger by default · author: Christine Baker
6 178
Zygmunt Wereszczyński
author: Tom Waters
2 103
Anyone know how to resend or 'send again' ? · author: Dan Latner
9 2422
Miloš Radovanović
author: Mad Batter
1 53
2 97
Ban email from a specific country · author: Michael Walker
2 111
A dozen years after using it last! · author: Richard Gregory
2 88
10 364
Miloš Radovanović
author: Mad Batter
5 196
4 144
How to make change · author: Richard Trilling
4 417
Adam Raszkiewicz | Does this website belong to you or a fake one · author: Mohamed GadAllah
2 94
Daniel van Rooijen
Trying unsuccessfuly to import email list from Excel that works for for sending bulk email to a group · author: David Bentley
5 192
Daniel van Rooijen
author: Rick Gijsbers
8 842
Miloš Radovanović
A window with the error "Virtual folder name template must contain %Name" keeps popping up  · author: R. Leenders
7 261
Miloš Radovanović
author: Mad Batter
14 433
Miloš Radovanović
Zoom percentage size control · author: Vivek V
3 177
Windows 10 startup has an older version of my Bat! · author: Peter
1 145
Miloš Radovanović
Microsoft announced restrictions to access its e-mail services from third-party clients · author: goytabr
6 392
a bit-bucket for distracting off-topic messages about new versions · author: Daniel van Rooijen
87 12843
George Salnik
author: Mad Batter
3 225
George Salnik
7 434
Rick Gijsbers
How to start TheBat · author: Frederick Smith
8 467
Miloš Radovanović
author: Mad Batter
3 491
5 491
George Salnik - Upgrade was cancelled by an error · author: Laura Seabrook
1 266
Miloš Radovanović
17 1517
Edward Reid
author: Mad Batter
9 709
Edward Reid
3 340
Miloš Radovanović
8 583
Greg Barykada
Can not login with office 365 account · author: Nerijus Petraitis
26 2141
Miloš Radovanović
5 387
Saying goodbye to TheBat! after more than 10 years :-( · author: cbiweb
3 340
George Salnik
3 1076
Miloš Radovanović
author: Mad Batter
2 281
author: Mad Batter
4 406
Daniel van Rooijen
Add a couple of hotkeys · author: Laura Seabrook
2 299
Zygmunt Wereszczyński
view source F9 · author: peer lost
1 299
Daniel van Rooijen
author: Maciej Sęk
11 1043
Waldemar Haszlakiewicz
What is the procedure? · author: cbiweb
6 517
Rick Gijsbers
Can't see what groups a contact is in · author: Jerry Spence
4 630
Paul Andinach
4 625
George Salnik
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