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Emails in folder outside of an account being marked as read after 2 seconds.

I have multiple email accounts, all are set never to mark an email as read (default being marked as read after 2 seconds) and this works if the email is in a folder under the account.

I have created lots of common folders outside of my email accounts that I filter emails into.

Any email in these folders that is unread if selected is marked as read after 2 seconds.

I can find no way of changing this for the folders.

How do I stop the emails from being marked as read?

Many thanks

Edited: Richard Lawrence - 02 April 2023 20:27:06 (missclicked send)
Please check the option for marking messages as read in common folder using following menu: Account > Properties > Options. Set this option to "0" and messages will not be automatically made as read.
Thank you.

I did not realise you could do properties from the account menu on a common folder, I was only doing right click > properties on a common folder which brings up a different window.
I'll report this inconsistency to the devs.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
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