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Going to the first message in each folder, first message folder

Is there some way to go automatically to the first message when I click in a folder?

The option to preserve the position of the last read message sometimes is useful. Although in another folders I can receive a lot of new messages and here the useful thing would be going automatically to the first message instead the last one.  
Julian M wrote:
Is there some way to go automatically to the first message when I click in a folder?

Not to my (limited) knowledge. I just press the Home button to go to the top of the list. It would be nice if there was a toolbar command for it, so we could use the mouse instead.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
It would be possible adding this feature?.

and also one option to "mark all Read" for all the accounts and its subfolders.

The memory of the last read message is good. However, when there are many accounts and folders, it is very slow and tedious going to the first message inside each subfolder. I have dozens subfolders and the logical thing is start the reading in the first message of each folder

Also it would be very good one option to "mark all messages as read" for all the accounts and its subfolders with one click

Is this possible these 2 requests can be read by the developers?.

thank you

Edited: Julian M - 01 October 2023 18:43:41
Julian M wrote:
It would be possible adding this feature?.

Please use the Support menu at the top of this page to contact the developers. They do not follow the messages in this user-to-user forum.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Pages: 1