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After power cut, TB hangs on start (all versions), TB Hangs on start
I have used /STARTUP_TIMING_LOG to get the start-up logs. Can anyone give me a pointer as to why TB is hanging?

[Moderator's note: Tony, I've had to remove your log files because they contained a bunch of email addresses, that could be harvested by spammers. Also, as fellow users in this user-to-user forum, we cannot really interpret these logs. Please submit them to Ritlabs' technical support staff using the Support menu near the top of this page. Do include a brief description of what you're seeing and which version of The Bat you are running on which Windows version. Good luck - Daniel]
Ooops. Thanks, DanielJ
Luckily I had an automatic backup which has fixed it. It had been set up since 2001 and I totally forgot about it!

I hope everyone is taking automatic backups!
Excellent, that's good to hear!
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
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