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IMAP - intermittent and unreliable, Problems with IMAP and 365 (v
Going crazy. I have used TB! for many years to pick up my emails via POP3, with IMAP in use on many peripherals. Now I have been forced to IMAP by MS as I cannot get OAUTH to work (it's greyed out). I use Office365 accounts and gmail, all set up correctly according to the individual sites, and evidenced by the fact they all work, albeit occasionally.

TB! works sporadically: sometimes sending/ not sending, sometimes retrieving/not retrieving. (I use Aquamail on two mobile phones and Thunderbird on 2 laptops, which work perfectly in picking up any emails TB! deigns to send.)

I wish to change clients, however I make extensive use of the memo field. Is there any way of including the memo field when exporting?

The idea of manually adding the memo field is too daunting...
Edited: Stephen Hocker - 29 April 2023 16:48:37
Ask support about it. And tell us what they say.
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
I shall do that, George. Only hope they help!
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