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Quick reply window sends blank email in version 10.4 64-bit
Title says it all: Quick reply window sends blank email in version 10.4 64-bit, if sending straight from the Quick Reply window with ctrl-enter. The email appears in the "sent mail" as blank, and is received that way too. Pretty vexing bug, as I use the quick reply window all the time!
Luckily I don't use quick reply, but I can confirm: v10.4, 64-bit, Windows 10, same behavior.

Best to report the bug using the Support link above.
 I don't use quick reply too and can confirm: v10.4, 64-bit, Windows 10, same behavior.

Send report to the support and send them link about this thread, that you are not alone.
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
George Salnik wrote:
Send report to he support and send them link about this thread, that you are not alone.
It seems that the issue may be connected to quick templates not working as well, see this recent thread:

I added info about this to the support ticket.
TB v10.4.0.1 was released today and seems to have fixed the quick reply issue.
Alas, while replies are no longer blank, it looks like the %Quotes macro in the quick reply template does not end up carrying over the message text of the replied-to message when sent -- although it does appear if I use ctrl-shift-enter to call up an actual reply window.

The other macros work, such as those that contribute to "At TIME, SENDER wrote:"

It's just the message below that's missing.
Thanks, I reported is to support through a new ticket.
Jonathan, support is having trouble reproducing the faulty %Quotes macro behavior, and so am I. Could you paste your quick reply template so I can try? Also, what is the default format for messages (plain text, RichText, PureHTML)?
Yes, here's the template, unmodified across many versions of The Bat!:


On %ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, %OFROMNAME wrote:
Jonathan Z wrote:
Yes, here's the template, unmodified across many versions of The Bat!:


On %ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, %OFROMNAME wrote:
For me everything works, both in plain text and HTML format.

Last bit of advice from support: Please try to access the menu "Account\Properties\Templates\Quick Reply" and press the "Restore Default Template" button. Save changes and check whether the %Quotes macro functions then.
So strange: it's not working even when the default template is restored. Only my reply is carried over, not anything below it. If I ctrl-shirt-enter to open a window with the quick-reply in progress before sending, everything is carried over and preserved when sent. So it's just when using quick-reply straight through.
Ignore my last post, I managed to reproduce the problem. It only happens when "HTML Advanced Formatting" is selected (and it can be selected only by right-clicking menu items in Account Properties -> Quick Reply; it is not accessible through the Format menu). That is, the PureHTML editor is to blame.

Switch to plain text or RichText and you should be fine. I'll report this.
I am already set for plain text, I think, and it's still not working?

(non-functional image code removed - Daniel)
I can't see the image, I think you need to use some external storage for that.

Anyway, try right clicking on any menu item in the Account\Properties\Templates\Quick Reply window, sel ect plain text fr om the pop-up menu, and save the template. It seems that the problem arises when PureHTML is used to *define* the template.

EDIT: The three options in the pop-up menu are actually check boxes - make sure only plain text is selected.
Edited: Miloš Radovanović - 12 June 2023 19:26:41 (Being more precise.)
OK, I think I finally figured out what the problem is (or at least one of them). If quick reply templates are set to use plain text, %Quotes has trouble when replying to HTML messages (meanwhile, %Quotes in the regular reply template has no such problems).

I'm back-and-forth with support trying to get them to reproduce the behavior. In the meantime, a workaround could be the opposite of what I advised above: set the quick reply template to use RichText (from the Format menu). This consistently works for me (for now).
Happy to report that several weeks of back-and-forth with support in June/July seems to have paid off - the problem is fixed in v10.5 as far as I can tell (actually it was fixed in one of the v10.4.0.x betas, but I don't use them).
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