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Disabled Google Calendar keeps insisting on integration
So I updated to the release that supports Google Calendar integration but I'm not interested in that.  I went into the account and disabled it but every time I start The Bat! it brings up the config dialog and opens a browser window for me to give access.
I upgraded to today and am having the same problem
Edited: Jenny Zonneveld - 22 August 2023 14:10:54 (added version)
tg im not alone in this madness of popups
It would be best to report this bug to support using the link above, marking it as high priority. The more reports the better chance for it to be fixed quickly.
Do you have multiple accounts? I thought I disabled the calendar integration, but I still kept getting this popup notice. I had to go through ALL my accounts and turn it off on all of them. Now I don't get the popup anymore.
I was HOPING you'd just discovered a workaround - I do have multiple accounts, but only ONE Google account.  The others are attached to my hosting service.  I went through ALL accounts and disabled calendar.  I exited then restarted.  No change.  EVERY time I click in my Google account, I get the prompt.  I click another account, then back to the Google account, the prompt occurs again.
Ok, I have 10 accounts, so I meticulously went through them again and found one I missed.  Disabled calendar on that one, exited, restarted, still no good.  

Thanks for the tip about submitting a ticket - I so seldom have a problem I forget about that.  Ticket submitted.
They replied to my ticket with enough info to give me the clue I needed.

Well, the fix was simple.  Just follow the flow and RE-authorize The Bat! to access the Google account.  Makes sense now.  They support calendar so the authorization has to show that you're giving them access to the calendar.  Once you do that, it does not pop up again.

So, you HAVE to give The Bat! access to the calendar, but you don't have to USE it.  

Ideally the calendar would be disabled by default and the first time you enable it, THEN you go through the re-auth where you see that calendar is now on the things they can access list.
Thanks for the feedback, this will be useful information to many.
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