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Tools > Scheduler > How To?, Universally delete all past tasks
Hello. I have no experience with the Scheduler directly. I do a lot of %postpone= emails however.

I see tasks now going back months in the list of Scheduled events.

How can I delete them in one move?

Thank you all.
AFAIK, there is no such a feature. Ask support about adding multiply selecting and killing of actions.  
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
See Options > Preferences... > Other options > SmartBat. To delete old events you can use option "Automatically remove completed events after [x] days since completion". Maybe it will work not only for newly created events in scheduler, but for old existing ones as well.

By the way, I do not know why this section is named "SmartBat"!?
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