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Spam messages re-marked as 'un-read'
A minor quibble, this, but a little irritating nonetheless.  Like most of us, I get my fair share of spam, some of which finds its way into my in-box rather than my spam folder.  If I click on these mails and view them, they become marked as 'read' - which is as it should be.  However, if I then drag-and-drop them into my spam folder, they do move, but are immediately re-marked as 'un-read'.  Not sure why this is or if anything can be done about it.  Anyone know?
I haven't heard of this before.

Which version of The Bat? Is this an IMAP account (problem might be server-side)? At a regular provider or one that sets its own rules like Gmail, GoDaddy, etc?
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Hi Daniel.

Thanks.  I'm using ver 9.2.2 and yes, it is an IMAP account.  Good point about the ISP's own rules, although this quite a recent occurrence. It's been fine up till about a month ago.  I'll try another client and see if I can replicate it.  If I can, that would lend weight to your theory.  Thanks for your input.
Good luck! In the meantime, could you work around the problem by dragging and dropping the spam messages to the Trashcan instead?
Also, long shot, but have you tried to clear the cache of your IMAP folders?
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
I haven't tried the 'trash-can' approach, but will do so.  In the meantime, I've tried replicating this behaviour using Outlook, which didn't work - so I don't think it is an ISP quirk.  I'll clear the cache and have another go.
Could it be that your spam folder on the PC is somehow not properly matched to the corresponding folder on the server, and that the IMAP synchronization process causes it to become unread?
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Possibly.  It is definitely linked to the spam folder in some way.  This doesn't happen if I move messages to/from any other folders.  I will try un-linking and re-linking.  Maybe that will fix it.
...well, it didn't.  As I said originally, it's a minor problem.  Guess I'll just have to live with it.
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