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The Bat crashes after 20-40 minutes

My bat is always very slow to launch it at start up: around 1 minute or more waiting with The bat logo on the display (that freeze all the pc...). I have that for years but perhaps it's normal because I have a lot of accounts and thousands of mails.

But I noticed that I had an very huge TBB file on the outbox folder of one of my account: more that 20 giga! I deleted it also considering that my outbox folder was empty with no messages...

The problem is that after that, I don't solved the problem at startup (always slow) but now the bat crashes with no reason after 20-40 minutes...

I tried to repair it, to uninstall and reinstall. No change. It's the last version (64 bit)

Any idea?  Thanks
Edited: duralux duralux - 14 September 2023 16:56:31
There's a simple cure if the startup screen causes your system to freeze: Edit the shortcut that is used to launch The Bat, and put " /nologo" on the command line.

If that alone doesn't solve it, I would reboot Windows in Safe mode, then run The Bat to see if it's still slow. If it's not, I would suspect that your antivirus/antimalware is causing the delay.

If you search this forum, there'll be more discussions about slow performance. The best way to search the forum i.m.o. is to use Google ("  keyword1 keyword2 keyword3")
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
duralux duralux wrote:
But I noticed that I had an very huge TBB file on the outbox folder of one of my account: more that 20 giga! I deleted it also considering that my outbox folder was empty with no messages...

Don't delete TBB files, these contain message bases and TB! is expecting them to be there. Try putting back the deleted file or replacing it with the TBB file of another empty folder.

To reduce the size of TBB files go to Folder -> Maintenance Center and select Compact and all folders you want to shrink. You can also select Check Integrity/Repair while you're there. Of course, back up your account first.
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