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GMX configuration issue, GMX account keeps reverting to iMAP
I've tried setting up a GMX account but have an issue about what sort. The help page on GMX lists...

Incoming (POP3)                          Outgoing (SMTP)
Port                995                           587
Encryption     SSL or encryption     STARTTLS, TLS or encryption

However after I setup and save the account, I get this in the properties:
  • SMTP Server
  • SMTP Connection  Secure on dedicated port (TLS)
  • SMTP Port              465
  • Incoming mail protocol                   IMAP v4
  • Incoming mail server              
  • Connection to incoming mail server Secure on dedicated port (TLS)
  • Incoming mail server port                 993
  • Connection timeout                          60 sec
And I can't change iMAP back to POP3!

What can be done about this?
Edited: Laura Seabrook - 15 September 2023 01:39:13
My recommendation would be that you contact Ritlabs' technical support using the Support menu above. If you do, it would be great if you could report back here with the solution that they offer.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
You have an obvious mismatch in that it seems to have IMAP and POP mixed up.

My settings for gmx are like this

Send mail:
SMTP Server
Connection Secure to dedicated port (TLS)
Port 465

Receive mail:
Mail Server
Password xxxxxx
Connection Secure to dedicated port (TLS)
Port 993

993 is for IMAP, but you seem to be set for POP in the choice of server name (

I always have to manually intervene, because my email address domain ( is not the same as the server domain (, so The Bat! guesses the server name wrong.

I suggest you can type over the suggested imap server name and its port with the values you have found for the POP server, (, 995) as that appears to be what you wanted.

Personally I prefer IMAP over POP, but that's your choice to make.

Curious that the reference you found gave port 587 for the SMTP server, not 465. I have two gmx accounts set up and both use 465 for SMTP. Both of these ports are valid, but my Bat! clearly prefers 465.

May I ask how you generated your dump of the account settings? Mine is a screenshot which was then converted to text by an online OCR tool. Yours is very much nicer to work with!
May I ask how you generated your dump of the account settings? Mine is a screenshot which was then converted to text by an online OCR tool. Yours is very much nicer to work with!
I simply went to the All tab, selected the account top level (for the gmx account) and the details are shown to the right. The original details were copied from Thunderbird, which I was using before I swapped back to the bat, after over a 10 year gap!
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