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Microsoft 365, Now requires me to login to my account all the time...
Months ago my accounts were moved from secureserver to Microsoft365 (Not my decision - Godaddy decided to and just did it...)

I was easily able to set up my four accounts to work with The Bat! OAUTH2. Now, after about 6 months, every time I run TB, and almost every hour or so, I have to log onto my accounts and enter my passwords. It is becoming  nuisance.

Has anybody else had this problem? Does anyone know of a solution? I'm running TB Home v10.3.3.15.
outlook--file--account settings--new--advanced options--connect--IMAP
Edited: wlad - 19 September 2023 17:09:37
Sigh!  :D
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
I'm sorry wlad, I don't understand,.outlook--file--account settings has no 'new--advanced options--connect--IMAP'.

TB is now almost unusable. The help people tell me to download and run v10.4.0.16. It installs well enough, but will not run.
I don't want to give up on TB as I rely heavily on the memo field (going back many years...).
Edited: Stephen Hocker - 24 September 2023 14:52:40
on the screen I click the "outlook" icon, in the top bar I have a file, main tools, etc.,
I click "file", the "account information" window opens, I open "account settings",
the e-mail account window appears, I click "new", the "outlook" window appears, I enter the e-mail address,
I select "advanced options", where I check "let me manually configure my account"
I click "connect", then select "IMAP" and configure the account
Why outlook? I don't use outlook. I'm trying to configure TB.

Fairemail and Aquamail work perfectly on my mobile, using the same accounts. This is obviously a problem with TB.

I opened a ticket some time ago. Now, after deleting the ATB file I don't know how many times, the problem persists. So much so, the software is almost unusable. I am assured that another version will be available 'some time in October'.
Other email clients seem to work ok, why can't TB????
Stephen, someone else had a similar/related complaint about Microsoft365. He received several suggestions and I wonder if some might help you as well..?

I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Absolutely the same situation. Newest The bat version. 4 accounts based on Microsoft Exchange 360 (GoDaddy). After The Bat update last week to 10.5.0 it started asking to type password every time the program restarts and about every hour. RitLabs support suggested a couple steps that don't do anything. The program becomes close to unusable meanwhile.  
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