Pages: 1
Marking Messages as Read
I recently set up a filter to move messages from one account into the Trash can as they arrive.
I want to be taken off an e-mail list, but the company has made it impossible for me to do so.

Right now the filter is working. The messages are being moved to the Trash can, but they aren't being
marked as Read.
The whole idea for me setting up the filter was to have them 'disappear' transparently without me having
to click on them and mark them Read.

Can someone please tell me how I can mark these messages as Read, automatically?
Or failing that, simply delete them permanently as they arrive?
Edited: Mad Batter - 26 September 2023 01:38:02
1. Account -> Sorting Office/Filters
2. Select the filter
3. Below Actions:, Add -> Flags -> Mark the message as read
Miloš Radovanović wrote:
1. Account -> Sorting Office/Filters
2. Select the filter
3. Below Actions:, Add -> Flags -> Mark the message as read
Thanks very much Milos.
Pages: 1