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Customizing Message List, How to get start of message body to display in summary view?
In my message list (summary view), I see the Sender and the message Subject. On a very few messages, I see the start of the body text in gray. How do I get this consistently displayed for all messages?


[mess of unsupported image data removed - don't do that pls! - Daniel]
I think that would be Options -> Preferences -> Message List -> Switch to summary view when narrower than

For example, you can set the limit to 100% of the screen, and all messages will be displayed in summary view.
I'm talking about Summary View. A small minority of messages show the first line of text from the email body, in gray, in the Summary View of the Message List. Most do not. Wondering why, and how to get that to consistantly display.

Here is a picture of what I'm talking about: Messages 5, 7 & 8 show the gray body text; the other 6 do not.

I thing all is OK with your display. In compact view the first line of the message body is displayed in gray, as in your case (messages 5, 7 and 8). Also there is the sender name and message subject, which use normal colour (black). If the first line of the original message ist blank, you cannot see it in this view mode. Then you see only sender name and message subject.
I don't know why Ritlabs is promoting that Summary View. When a prospective user visits the website, that is all he gets to see of the program's interface.

Personally I've always preferred the classic, clear and productive interface with the message list at the top (one line per message), the contents of the currently highlighted message below it, and the accounts tree to the left of both (like you get with Workspace | Window Split Mode: Full Height Account Tree and Workspace | Message Autoview enabled).

The one-line-per-message message list is especially important to me because it can so easily be sorted by date, sender, subject, et cetera.

A (somewhat antique) screenshot of this classic layout can be seen here:

Workspace | Toolbars | Quick Search is an essential message list tool as well because it lets you search and filter(!) the list.

Maybe I'm resistant to change, but I don't understand the 'dark view' fad either. I've set the brightness of my screen low enough that I can view it all day long even when all my most-used apps have a white background.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Zygmunt Wereszczyński wrote:
I thing all is OK with your display. In compact view the first line of the message body is displayed in gray, as in your case (messages 5, 7 and 8). Also there is the sender name and message subject, which use normal colour (black). If the first line of the original message ist blank, you cannot see it in this view mode. Then you see only sender name and message subject.
This does not explain the problem. I have a personal email account with emails from friends and family, 99% of which do not start with a blank line. Because it's personal, I won't share a screenshot, but when I scroll the messages in that account, not a single one shows the first line in Summary View.

Have you tried this yourself?

Bat Crazy wrote:
This does not explain the problem. I have a personal email account with emails from friends and family, 99% of which do not start with a blank line. Because it's personal, I won't share a screenshot, but when I scroll the messages in that account, not a single one shows the first line in Summary View.Have you tried this yourself?
I just tried it with my message base. It seems that TB applies a simple rule that skips the first line if it is short (for example, it will never display "Dear Miloš,"). And it does not display anything else if the message begins with multiple blank lines or images in HTML messages. Other than that, it seems to handle most regular messages I receive (from actual people) pretty well.
Thanks for checking – I do appreciate your efforts.

Looks to me like The Bat's algorithm for skipping first lines that are short is broken. I see long first lines from people that The Bat just doesn't display. Looks broken to me, but I guess it will stay that way.
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