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Archive Messages - Required, Archive Messages out of TB
Now it is need of the hour where The Bat! team seriously look into the issue of archiving the messages out of The Bat ! (I mean offline)

My current TB size is almost 7 GB and it takes time to load and also consume lot of resources of computer while working. Every year my emails are almost 9 to 10 GB and currently what am doing since last 13 years to archive the yearly messages by creating multiple instances of the Bat! in my windows computer and for each year am creating an archive of all emails (as it with folders tree) and created short cut on my desktop (into folder TheBat > TheBat-2010 and so on) this way I can easily refer the old emails in the Bat. (refer :

Now main issue is that over the period of time we have tons of emails and archive them every year and creating one more instances of TB is big issue and exercise particularly when you need to search them from the old archive and since Bat gives us limited option on that issue ,

Can The Bat! team do something on that Archive issue ? Or suggest some easy method to offline archive  these messages and can be search from these offline archive whenever we require.

Please note that we donot want to keep messages by creating a archive folder in the current Bat as it will make Bat very bulky ? I always want to keep my Bat as light as possible.

If you have any easier method then please suggest in step by step process.
Sanjeev Goyal wrote:
Please note that we donot want to keep messages by creating a archive folder in the current Bat as it will make Bat very bulky ?

What are you afraid that might happen? The Bat won't become slow if you create a few archive folders or accounts, and storing 6 GB of data shouldn't be a problem for you either in 2023.

For my most-used accounts, I have a passive archive account that contains the same folders. Once every couple of years I move old (and no longer relevant) messages from the 'live' account to the corresponding folder in the archive account. That's how I keep my 'live' accounts lean and fast, and I can still browse and search my older messages.
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
Maybe there is some other issue making TB slow?

I have 20+ GB of messages in various accounts and folders and never felt the need to get rid of anything - TB is snappy as ever.
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