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Memory issues and "You are up to date!" in 10.5
10.5 is a bad release.
First, there is a random update window that pops up stating "You are up to date!" which steals focus. Sometimes this pops up when the system boots, sometimes it happens at random. I don't ever need to be told if I'm up-to-date (maybe if I specifically check for updates). It's not important information; please don't bother me with it.

There is a memory issue that occurs when shutting down Windows. More egregiously, this error will actually prevent Windows from shutting down; if you ignore it and let Windows take care of it, after 60 seconds pass you will be booted back to the lock screen.
This is unacceptable! An error should never be able to abort the shutdown process. Please look into addressing this memory problem.
I don't have a screenshot because it only happens when I want to turn my computer off.
Edited: Vanilla Seagull - 11 October 2023 20:01:08
This is a user forum, we cannot fix TB. Use the support link above to address the developers.

Having said that, using the no-auto-update installer instead of the regular one could help remove the annoying update message.

As for the memory leak, this is definitely an issue for the developers.
Edited: Miloš Radovanović - 11 October 2023 23:28:04
This is a user forum
Fair, I'll tell Support instead.
Have the same problem, they send me a beta which did not help from preventing shutting down. So I'm waiting for a solution from them.

I want to go back to, they used the be archived on Ritlabs but now only the achive starts at version 9 and lower. Can someone help with that?
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