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Best way to use TB on 2 computers?

I installed TB on the system disk C: as usual, but the accounts are on a separated Truecrypt disk (let's say disk T:). Works fine. But... I need to use TB on 2 computers, as I spent 3 days a week in a place, and 4 days in another place.

I have the same release of TB installed, and I carry a copy of my disk T. On the second computer I changed the value of "working directory" in the Reg key, ok. So, both copies work.

The question is that if I cange any parameter of any account on one of the computers, it will not be reflected into the other one. As I understand all parameters are stored in the Reg key..

So I must every time also synchronize the Reg keys on both computers, not very convenient.

Isn't there another easier way?
Edited: Frolov Denis - 14 October 2023 18:37:29
Frolov Denis wrote:
Isn't there another easier way?

I haven't actually tried it, but I presume that The Bat Voyager will save its configuration on the same drive as the messagebase. Voyager was made specifically for your use case (but you wouldn't need to use Truecrypt as it already applies its own encryption).
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
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