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Regular expressions (match rules) works only half time
From the mailserver we receive mail with X-Spam tags set.
p. eg.
X-Spam: yes
X-Spam-Status: Blocked - see
X-Spam-Version: qmail-rblchk 2.0

Because there are no ways to define custom 'Header Field'
as X-Spam, X-Spam-Status, X-Spam-Version, I use this rule

Header match ^X-Spam-Status:.*spamcop

Results: Only a part of the incoming mail is moved. If I do a test with the 'search', same result.

I do net see an error in the regex, and it seems some rules have major problems if there are URL's in the header or something. So maybe this is a parse bug.
Because there are no ways to define custom 'Header Field'
as X-Spam, X-Spam-Status, X-Spam-Version,

You can do that.
Options -> Preferences -> Messages -> Message Headers -> Add

As soon as you've added a header, you can select it in the sorting office. Adding headers was possible in v2, using self added headers in the sorting office is available since 3.0 IMO that was the best improvement of the new filtering system.

However that doesn't explain the failure of your regexp.
I'm just a user of The Bat! I don't work for Ritlabs.
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