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Mail Merge
Anyone is using The Bat! for Mail Merge, or Mass Mailing ?

In Microsoft Word there is a tool for Mail Merge,

Basically you take your spreadsheet with all the contacts for example:

Email-Address                   Subject                    BodyText           Project A-1               Testing texting                Project B                  Something is here

and you can use Outlook to send out some emails using your spreadsheet.

Does anyone have an idea how to use The Bat this way?

Thank you
You can't do mass mailings from a spreadsheet, if that is what you're asking about.

Please see the chapter about mass mailing from The Bat's Help:

Depending on how many recipients you have and if you want to customize each message, there are alternative methods, such as simply addressing your message to (every contact in) an address book.

(be aware that if you do not use your own mail server, your internet provider may impose limits on the number of messages that you can send out in a session or during a day, or how many people can be on the BCC address line of a message, et cetera.)
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Pages: 1