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Generate email from CSV

forgive the stupid question but I have not found the answer so I let you benefit from the knowledge of more experienced users. Is there any way to make the content of such a bat message retrieve from a csv file?

E.g. mail

Good morning $name

This is your data
Login: $login
Password: $pass

Yours sincerely


And now the csv file

Adam Black, adam, tPZB3W@n,
John Doe, john, dsfewEA#$,
Amy Smith, amy, a21rfsq!$,

Each of the 3 people will receive an email with their information at their address

And e.g. Amy will get an email to

Good morning Amy

This is your data
Login: amy
Password: a21rfsq!$

Yours sincerely

How to do it? :)
Edited: Adam Marek - 13 October 2023 18:54:26
Unless something changed from last year (and it doesn't seem so), the answer is no, but at least it might be partially doable using quick templates. See here:
Adam Marek wrote:
[...] Is there any way to make the content of such a bat message retrieve fr om a csv file?
This problem can be solved, even there is no possibility to simply send mail using CSV file. Here is my proposal:

1. Make new group of addresses in Address Book.

2. Import recipients' data fr om CSV file into the group of addresses (using old AB interface will be more clear). During the import you should sel ect which item should be imported and where it should be placed. For example, import login to Nickname item in AB, and password to Prefix. Then you will obtain all recipients saved as a group in Address Book. It is important to add one header line to CSV file with the content:
Name, Nickname, Prefix, Email
This will make it easier to import data into the address book.

3. Make quick template with placeholders for AB fields you will use in mass mail sending. Remember to mark this template as "Use for New messages / Mass mailing". Here is the example of such template with macros which will get data from address book:
Good morning %AbToName
This is your data
Login: %AbToHandle
Password: %AbToNamePrefix
Yours sincerely
4. Go to the address book, sel ect the adress group created fr om CSV file, and fr om menu File > New > Mass Mailing using template... select your mail template. The Bat! will create mails according to your wish.

One remark: As you do not have full name separated into parts in CSV file, the full name will be used in mails, e.g. "Good morning Amy Smith". It may be easily corrected by modification of CSV file (separating first and last name in each line) and the quick template (%AbToFName instead of %AbToName).
Edited: Zygmunt Wereszczyński - 16 October 2023 23:46:10
Pages: 1