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theBat! version 11?
From the AntiapamSniper site a new version has been released.In the changelog:

[*] (pro) Fixed a compatibility issue with TheBat 11.

I thought version 10 was in beta.
Doug Fitzpatrick wrote:
I thought version 10 was in beta.

It is, and The Bat's current version is v9.5.1. Both facts are easily verifiable, so, I'm not sure if this topic serves any purpose. If you would like to have an explanation for what is most likely a typo, please see
I volunteer as a moderator to help keep the forum tidy. I do not work for Ritlabs SRL.
New version of antispamsniper is for TB! 10 Beta.
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
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