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Address book from 9.x to 10.x
Was using 9.x for a long time, but switched to latest version and discovered I can not use mass mailing as described here:

The topic seems related to pre 10.x version. So any help how to use again quick templates with mass mailing, so all mails would be sent separately as before (from outbox one by one)

Click on addresses group that you will use it for mass mailing - press CTRL+A - you will see green button "actions", press it and will find mass mailing menus.

On other hand you can find in the settings checkbox for using old address book view,

P.S. I do have in the interface both buttons to open old and new look of address book.
Модератор. Не являюсь сотрудником RitLabs (I'm not an employee of Ritlabs).
Oh, thanks a lot. Found both ways you were talking about. New interface is extremely slow here (with 70k+ emails) and also, when I do action, thebat just hung up and quit. And yes, I have quite modern CPU (i9-11980HK). Old interface is nice. No issues.
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