MicroEd editor offers a number of useful features for making the process of message creation easier. They are available in the menus, as well as in the upper and lower panes in the Editor window.
Upper Pane
Using the icons on the Standard toolbar you can send the message (including postponed sending), put message in the Outbox, save message as draft, save message and continue editing, print message or cancel message creation. These options are also available in the Message menu.
The second upper toolbar is the Edit toolbar. Using the icons on this toolbar you can undo or redo actions, cut or copy text to clipboard, copy text to a file, paste from clipboard or from a file (as plain text or quotation), and attach a file. If you paste text as quotation, quotation prefix appears at the beginning of each line, just as when replying to a message. The same options are available in the Edit menu. The Attach a file option can be found in the Utilities menu.
The Security toolbar includes the "Encrypt when completed" and "Sign when completed" icons. These options are available in the Privacy menu as well.
Using the icons on the Search toolbar you can search the text, search and replace the text, and find next/previous match. The same options can be found in the Search menu.
Lower Pane
The changes you make in the lower pane will apply only to the current message. To enable/disable those options for all the messages, use the Options -> Preferences menu in the Editor window or the Options -> Preferences -> Viewer/Editor -> Editor preferences menu in the main window of the program.
The sign means that no changes were made to the message since the editor window was opened. Once you make a change, this sign changes to the red one .
The numbers 3:1 indicate caret position. In our example the caret is placed in the third line at the first character.
The Insert sign signifies that the copied text is inserted at the current cursor position not overwriting other characters. If you press the Insert key or click this sign, you will see the Overwrite sign meaning that the pasted text will replace the text that is present in this location.
Text formatting
- block type - In the MicroEd editor, you can define the mode of selecting text parts: stream (default block mode, selecting continuous text); linear (selecting complete text lines); column (selecting vertical text columns). The last mode can be useful when editing tables. To change the block type either click this sign or use the Edit -> Block type menu or right-click the message and select "Block type".
- automatic wrapping - You can define the maximum length of the line in the editor (70 characters by default). When typing the message, the text will automatically wrap to a new line if this option is enabled. To change the maximum length, set another value for "Wrap text at … characters" setting under Options -> Preferences -> Viewer/Editor -> Editor preferences.
- automatic formatting - If this option is enabled, any changes you make to the already entered text will reformat the paragraph. This option is disabled by default as it might not be useful for most users. If you intend to use it, remember that paragraphs in MicroEd are separated by empty lines meaning that you will need to press the Enter key two times to start a new paragraph. This means it is impossible to type a list with automatic formatting enabled.
- justify on automatic format - If you enable this option, the paragraph will be block-aligned after wrapping.
- automatic spell checking - To avoid misspelling and typos, you can enable automatic spell checking. In addition to automatic spell checking, you can make use of "Check entire text" (F4), "Check from cursor" (Shift+F4) and "Check before send/queue" options, see the Spell checker menu.
- spell checker dictionaries - Click this field to choose the languages used for spell checking. You can select several languages and The Bat! will check all the dictionaries you have specified.
- priority - Clicking this icon you can set the priority for this message. By default, all messages have normal priority. You can change it to high or low .
- request delivery confirmation - If this option is enabled, a delivery confirmation request will be sent with your message. When your message reaches the recipient, you will get a notification (this feature must be supported by the recipient’s mail server). Remember that delivery and reading confirmations differ: if you need to be sure that your recipient has read the message, send messages with the reading confirmation request . Beware that the recipient might ignore your reading confirmation request.
- active account - Click on this field to change the account that you use for sending the message.
- postponed sending - You can delay your message sending for a certain period of time. By default, messages are sent immediately. You can postpone sending for fifteen minutes, one hour or any other time range you specify.
- Message format (plain text or HTML).
- character set - Character sets are used for correct handling of national letters and symbols. If you compose an email using a non-standard or improper encoding, the recipient will not be able to read it. You can set an appropriate character set if you create a message in a different language.
- privacy and security options. You can select how your email should be encrypted – using S/MIME or OpenPGP. The message will not be encrypted unless you click the Encrypt when completed icon and will not be signed until you click the Sign when completed icon . The signs and indicate whether the message is encrypted/signed or not.
The MicroEd editor offers a number of other useful features apart from those available on the toolbars. You can for example define the alignment using the Format -> Alignment menu. Available options are left (Alt+L), right (Alt+R), center (Alt+C) and justify (Alt+J).
Using the Utilities menu you can insert date and time, change case and insert a quick template.
To configure toolbars, use the View -> Toolbars -> Customize menu. You can remove or add icons you need.