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The Bat! - Filters
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How to sort folders by message count · author: Jason
1 1799
Daniel van Rooijen
2 3663
author: Ciprian Furtuna
1 1783
3 2704
Ciprian Furtuna
I'm fed up with Outlook not applying my rules · author: andy_art_trigg
4 4136
Francis Leboutte
author: Adriana Hadrianus
2 3265
1 4557
Maxim Masiutin
Trying to create expression to copy all emails to folder with client name in body or subject · author: Chris Holly
1 2510
can a mailbox be moved - and have the filters move in synche? · author: Steven Avery
2 3795
author: DoG
1 2546
author: Adriana Hadrianus
2 4248
Daniel van Rooijen
I want to be notified when an expected email doesn't arrive within a certain period · author: Roy Hann
2 4230
Daniel van Rooijen
2 2980
author: John Matt
6 11102
Bob Huddleston
Kill dupes in Address Book? · author: Riccardo Marangoni
2 4213
Bob Huddleston
3 5785
Collection emails using Filter + Regular Expression · author: ehm user
1 4423
1 3327
author: Ciprian Trofin
4 9435
Leonid Agapiev
Is there a list? · author: cbiweb
1 9000
3 5300
Moving or deleting messages that do not match other filters · author: Joel Young
2 6200
How ist it possible to find out, which filter(s) took effect?  · author: Christof Schardt
3 5185
author: duralux duralux
2 4084
duralux duralux
Please Help · author: CockUp
1 5595
Parker Dooley
Query · author: Andrew Drury
2 4768
Andrew Drury
I have a list of gmail accounts I want to use  · author: paul420 paul
1 4730
Mohammad shohan
author: FightingBob
2 7754
My filters disappeared, and I need advice on how to restore them · author: FightingBob
2 7177
author: dunkers
17 19444
Read messages filtering simply not working · author: Frantisek Horalek
2 7524
Frantisek Horalek
5 9704
Daniel Payment
2 6313
The TO address is in the incoming e-mail's body · author: Vladimir S.
4 14676
author: Robert ONeill
1 8405
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